Our services are closing on 30th April 2025, due to lack of funding.

We are not accepting new referrals

Please contact your GP


NHS Talking Therapies

Tel:  020 8206 3924


Bereavement Care & Support

(Harrow & Hillingdon bereavement service)
Tel: 020 8427 5720


Cruse - bereavement care

Tel: 0808 808 1677

If you are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those which could lead to suicide, please call the Samaritans free

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 Since 1987 our charity has been providing counselling, advice, information & training for bereaved people, their families, friends and our community in the London Borough of Brent.

We have a team of highly skilled, professional and supervised volunteer counsellors who reflect the many different cultures of the population of Brent, and speak a variety of languages.

We help thousands of people every year to cope with one of life's most traumatic experiences.

Seeking support will reduce any current negative feelings, and the chances of developing depression and many other emotional and behavioural problems, such as anxiety, eating and sleeping disorders, alcohol & drug addiction, loneliness & isolation, relationship breakdowns, inability to work or study, domestic abuse, many other negative personal and social issues, 
and thoughts about suicide. 
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